Blogging from an android world…

The all powerful android has did it again, in recent times mobile blogging has become popular and most famous bloggers are already made it as their de-facto for blogging. Well I tried to give it a go from one of the new android mobiles and well it is amazing.
     The android market is already swarming with applications threatening to surpass the i-phone store, I was quite impressed the the utilities that android apps provide.
         I actually enjoyed writing this blog from the “wordpress” android app, it was incredibly simple, easy n robust. The interface is very simple without any confusion and synchronizing your WordPress account couldn’t have been any simpler. I advise all casual and powerful bloggers to give it a try, its just like saying the world the things you wish to say as it happens.
Trust me its really as easy as social networking,just like updating a status or publishing a tweet.
        It’s my mom who came to  my mind when I wrote this blog, she is such a good writer and I’ve always wished that her writing should not only in paper but on the internet for the whole world to see. I wish I could buy her an android smartphone with WordPress app in it….and special thanks to HTC wildfire…

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2 thoughts on “Blogging from an android world…

  1. Cally Davies says:

    This is a super great love blog.i contents to come.

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